Gastric mucosa

Portal hypertensive duodenal polyp: A case report

Case Report / Humans / Portal hypertension / Intestinal Mucosa / World / Male / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Gastrointestinal Endoscopy / Gastrointestinal bleeding / Gastric mucosa / Male / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Gastrointestinal Endoscopy / Gastrointestinal bleeding / Gastric mucosa

Gastroprotective effect of Copaifera langsdorffii oleo-resin on experimental gastric ulcer models in rats

Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Plant Biology / Ethnopharmacology / Medicinal Plants / Animals / Ethanol / Plant extracts / Rats / Fabaceae / Physiological Stress Markers / Gastric Ulcer / Indomethacin / total acidity / Gastric mucosa / Ethanol / Plant extracts / Rats / Fabaceae / Physiological Stress Markers / Gastric Ulcer / Indomethacin / total acidity / Gastric mucosa
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